


Charles Lapicque, a French painter, was born in the Rhône, where he was raised by his uncle, who took him to spend summers in Brittany, a region that would have a great influence on his life and work. In parallel with brilliant studies, he practiced painting and drawing, and graduated from the École Centrale in 1921.

In 1928, Lapicque decided to devote himself entirely to painting, but had to keep a scientific job linked to the study of the chromatic field, which had a lasting influence on his work. He continued his artistic activity and in particular created five major wall decorations for the Palais de la Découverte in 1937. After the Second War, he returned to Brittany, where he found themes that would inspire him throughout his career.

Borrowing from Fauvism or Cubism, Lapicque develops a unique gesture, combining applications in ribbons, tablecloths, interlacing or loops with a new construction of space. His works evoke surprisingly realistic sensations, which gives him a unique gestural and allusive figurative style. The artist contributes to the development of non-figurative painting, Pop art, narrative figuration and free figuration.

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