Art is at the rendezvous no. 55 - Art is not on vacation | Nina Alexandrowicz
Art is not on vacation!
Throughout the summer, discover a selection of works available on our eshop every week because you can also treat yourself to beautiful works at low prices!
Art is not on vacation!
Each week throughout the summer, discover a selection of works available on our eshop because you can also treat yourself to beautiful works at low prices!
Today, focus on Nina Alexandrowicz:
Nina Alexandrowicz (1888 - 1944), French painter, watercolorist and sculptor, occupies an important place within the École de l'Est, an artistic movement characterized by its innovative approach and its commitment to modernity.
Originally from Poland, Alexandrowicz left his native country to settle in Paris, in the heart of the Montparnasse district, around 1909. She joined the legendary Bateau-Lavoir workshop, where she rubbed shoulders with artists such as Pablo Picasso, Tsuguharu Foujita, Chana Orloff or Marc Chagall.
In this environment full of ideas and artistic experiments, they exchange theories and intuitions, contributing to the search for the artistic modernity of the time.
Although Alexandrowicz began her career as a sculptor, she quickly turned to painting, developing a very personal artistic approach. His style is characterized by an intense expression of color and an exploration of volume. Her favorite subject remains portraiture, in which she excels.
Nina Alexandrowicz (1888 - 1944), a French painter, watercolorist and sculptor, played an important role in the École de l'Est, anartistic movement characterized by its innovative approach and commitment to modernity.
Originally from Poland, Alexandrowicz left her native country to settle in Paris, in the heart of the Montparnasse district, around 1909. She joined the legendary Bateau-Lavoir studio, where she rubbed shoulders with artists such as Pablo Picasso, Tsuguharu Foujita, Chana Orloff and Marc Chagall.
In this environment bubbling with ideas and artistic experimentation, they combined theories and intuitions, contributing to the quest for artistic modernity at the time.
Although Alexandrowicz began her career as a sculptor, she soon turned to painting, developing a highly personal artistic approach. Her style is characterized by intense expression of color and exploration of volume. Her favorite subject remains portraiture, in which she excels.