Certificate of authenticity issued by the FNEPSA (National Federation of Professional Experts Specialized in Art)
Mr. Chatelus Collection, Paris | Mr. René Schneider Collection | Mr. René Schneider Collection | Private Collection, Paris
Retrospective, Kestner-Gesellschaft Museum, Hanover, 1972 | “Henri Michaux, paintings”, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, April 3 - June 10, 1976 - Baudoin Lebon Gallery, Paris, 1985 | “Henri Michaux, works selected 1927-1984" | “Henri Michaux, oeuvres 1927-1984", Centre d'Art Julio Gonzalez (i.v.4) a.m), Valence, 1993 - “Henri Michaux, works selected 1927-1984", Rath Museum, Geneva, 1994 | “Henri Michaux”, Whitechapel art gallery, London, 1999 | “Untitled passages by Henri Michaux”, Art drawing center, London, 1999 | “Untitled passages by Henri Michaux”, Art drawing center, New York, 2000
Wieland Schmied, Hanover (1972), p.71 | Wieland Schmied, Michaux (1973), p. 79; Marseille (1993), p. 124 | Franck Leibovici, Henri Michaux, p. 71 | Franck Leibovici, Henri Michaux, (2014), p. 31